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Demanding in specific events or status, allowing developers to insert custom behavior when a specific life cycle or event occurs.

Alemonjs provides the following hooks:


Allow developers to send messages when responding to specific events (such as receiving messages).

This acquisition is usually performed in a specific event processing context.

import { useSend, Text, At, Image } from 'alemonjs'
export default OnResponse(
event => {
const Send = useSend(event)

// Send text
Send(Text('Hello World!'))

// Send @ mension

// Send multiple types of messages
Send(Text('Hello '), At('123456'), Text(', How are things going?'))

// Send pictures
const img: Buffer = null // You need to properly initialize the buffer here

// Send local picture files
Send(Image('src/assets/img/test.jpg', 'file'))


Utilized and extract the receiving message content,

during a specific event processing (e.g. when receiving a message),

Developers can get the specific content of the message.

import { useParse } from 'alemonjs'
export default OnResponse(
event => {
// Parse user messages
const text = useParse(event.Msgs, 'Text')
if (!text) {
return // Massage content is empty

const ats = useParse(event.Msgs, 'At')
if (!ats || ats.length === 0) {
return // @ Mention not found

// Find the user type @ mension, and not BOT
const UserID = ats.find(item => item.typing === 'user' && !
if (!UserID) {
return // No user ID is found

// Processing users who are AT...


Observer mode, monitor and respond to an event. Observation event example

import { Text, useObserver, useParse, useSend } from 'alemonjs'
export default OnResponse(
event => {
// create
const Send = useSend(event)
Send(Text('Please enter the password'))

// Create an Observer
const Observer = useObserver(event, 'message.create')

(event, { next }) => {
// Create
const Send = useSend(event)
const text = useParse(event.Megs, 'Text')
// Check
if (text === '123456') {
Send(Text('The password is correct'))
// finish
} else if (text == 'close') {
// finish
Send(Text('Cancel login'))
} else {
Send(Text('The password is incorrect'))
// Continue to listen to the next message
['UserId'] // Supervise the next news of the current user
